Study plan

    The structure of the study plan is established by the Educational Regulations of the Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree courses.

    For the Bachelor's Degree, the numbers of CFU for the exams of autonomous choice is equal to 12; up to 6 of these credits can be obtained in the second year and the remaining in the third year of the course of study.

    In this case, the student implicitly declares that he wants to choose the exams of his choice among those indicated in the "tabella delle attività formative a scelta" "table of elective educational activities" attached to the training plan of the course. Examinations taken will be automatically uploaded after verbalization, provided that the required propaedeuticities are met.

    The current propaedeuticity check procedure stipulates that an exam can be booked and passed, with a corresponding registration, as long as the propaedeuticities for it are met in the same session.

    If the propedeuticities are not met in the same session the relevant exam already passed will be cancelled ex officio. Therefore, students are urged to pay close attention to the propedeuticities provided in the registration/enrollment training plan to avoid incurring the cancellation of exams already passed.

    If the student intends to choose exams not included in the table attached to the training plan, the submission of the study plan is required instead, using the following form:

    It is possible to submit a new study plan, either for the first time or as a variation of the one already submitted, by October 31 of each year*. Failure to submit will result in the retention of the last approved study plan, with no possibility of variation.

    The study plan is reviewed by the Course of Study Educational Coordination Committee for approval, within four weeks of submission.

    Training and orientation internship activities must be agreed upon with the Course of Study faculty member delegated for this purpose. In all cases, for the recognition of educational credits, the lecturer in charge of the activities must complete and submit the appropriate AC form to the Student Secretariat.

    Requests for the recognition of activities related to training and orientation internships carried out independently must be submitted to the Commission for the Didactic Coordination of Courses of Study.

    *Except for any extensions of the matriculation deadline. In which case, for newly matriculated students, the deadline for submission of study plans is also considered extended.


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