The structure of the study plan is defined in the Academic Regulations of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
For the Master's degree, the study plan is automatically approved if, at the time of enrolment, the student has already chosen one of the three available courses/curricula (Aeronautics, Fluid Dynamics/Propulsion, Space). In this case, the student will be able to choose the examinations to be taken in order to obtain the CFUs related to the following categories: Related/Integrated Educational Activities chosen by the student, Curricular Educational Activities chosen by the student, Autonomous Educational Activities chosen by the student, Other Educational Activities, as indicated in the Study Manifesto section. In this case, the student does not have to submit the Study Plan.
Different solutions can be followed by submitting an individual study plan. This protocol can only be submitted using the following Microsoft Forms form.
For plans submitted for the first time, in order to complete the previous forms, the student must:
- Attach the "historical" self-certification of the three-yars career, which can be downloaded from the SEGREPASS section "Self-Certifications"
- Attach Form A which can be downloaded from the following link
For plans not submitted for the first time, in order to complete the previous forms, the student must:
- Attach the "historical" self-certification of the three-yars career, which can be downloaded from the SEGREPASS section "Self-Certifications"
- Attach the "historical" self-certification of the master's degree career
- Attach Form A which can be downloaded from the following link
For plans not submitted for the first time, for those enrolled before the 2021/2022 academic year, in order to complete the previous forms, the student must:
- Attach the "historical" self-certification of the three-yars career, which can be downloaded from the SEGREPASS section "Self-Certifications"
- Attach the "historical" self-certification of the master's degree career
- Attach Form A which can be downloaded from the following link
It is possible to submit a new study plan, either for the first time or as a modification of the one that has already been submitted, by the 31st of October of each year*. Failure to submit means that the last approved curriculum will be maintained, with no possibility of modification.
The Study Plan is reviewed and approved by the Course Coordination Committee within four weeks of submitting the updated Study Plan.
*Except in the case of an extension of the registration deadline. In this case, for newly enrolled students, the deadline for the submission of the Study Plan will also be extended.