Manifesto of Studies a.y. 2024/2025

    Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering - Fluid Dynamics/Propulsion Programme

    I Year
    Title teaching
    Credits TAF Mandatory/optional  
    Mechanics Applied to Aerospace Engineering  C One of your choice it
    Mathematical Methods for Engineering it
    Computational Fluid Dynamics 9 B Mandatory it
    Flight Dynamics and Simulation 8 B Mandatory it
    Reliability and risk in Aerospace Engineering One of your choice it
    Economy and organization of aerospace industry it
    Space Propulsion 9 B Mandatory it
    Aircraft Aerodynamics 9 B Mandatory it
    Training activities chosen by the student (note a) 0-15 D Training activities chosen by the student (up to 15 CFU) it


    II Year
    Title teaching Credits TAF Mandatory/optional  
    Rotary Wing Aerodynamics 6           B   Four curricular training activities of your choice (up to reaching two exams of 9 CFU and two
    exams of 6 CFU)
    Hypersonic Aerodynamics 9 en
    Experimental Fluid Dynamics 9 en
    Fluid-Structure interaction 6 en
    Aeroelasticity 6 en
    Space Experiments 6 en
    Fluid Dynamics Stability 6 en
    Turbulence 6 en
    Training activities chosen by the student (note a) 0-15 D Training activities chosen by the student (up to 15 CFU)  
    Further Training Activities (note b) 12 F Mandatory  
    Final test (note c) 12 E Mandatory  

    Satisfaction of the note a,b and c conditions provides a study plan of automatic approval, for which the student must give the Secretariat, within the time schedules established for the presentation of the Study Plan by the Didactic Regulations, only the communication of the selected specialization ("Aeronautics", "Fluid dynamics/ Propulsion” or “Space”); different solutions can be followed upon presentation of an individual study plan to the Student Secretariat of the Engineering Didactic Area of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School, exclusively within the terms established by the Didactic Regulations. The Didactic Coordination Commission of the Master's Degree Course reserves the right to decide on their approval or not on the basis, as established by law, of a clear motivation expressed by the student.

    Finally, it should be noted that, in all cases, an exam can be taken only after the relevant course has been delivered in the Academic Year in which the Study Plan is presented.


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